Otto Zern Berchtesgaden Germany

Onlineshop for selected specialised lamp design


"He who wants to see the light as it is has to recede into the darkness."

Hans Magnus Enzensberger, Poems




Art lies in the simplified rather than in the complicated


Timeless light in the ambience of our day and age, which puts life in a contemporary perspective.


your home with handmade lamps


No-nonsense unpretentious forms, displaying only the handcrafted art and perfect workmanship as decorative elements. A design that fits timelessly and beautifully into every modern or traditional house.


handcrafted art

perfect workmanship

free-blown glasses

timeless uniques


The use of ancient tools, historical free-blown glasses and the integration of light and shadow make our handcrafted traditional lamps timelessly unique. Over 75 years of production according to Otto Zern’s original plans.




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Pictures made by Georg Grainer Fotografie



Copyright © 2025 Zern Kunstschmiede