"Light for a life unburdened by time constraints" and unburdened by time constraints are the very places where moments of happiness are at home.
Light for a life unburdened by time constraints
Modern Otto Zern lamps exhibit particular lighting techniques that push the design to the fore.
For our modern lamps we use high-grade steel in a specially cut surface. Modern lamps unite our knowledge of metal processing and lighting technology with the art of glassblowing. The flashed lamp glasses are manufactured according to elaborate free-blowing procedures. The glass is coloured by adding iron, copper, nickel, up to and including gold and silver, these traditional glassmaker methods allow the most diverse colour nuances, up to 5,000 colours can be produced in this way.
Our modern lamps should reflect the lamp’s distinctiveness when switched on and generate the character of an aesthetic picture when switched off. They are a special creation of the interplay between light and shadow, do not blind and are fascinating.